Our portfolio of products has been developed and standardized since 2010 (while still at the university) and it is very broad: from devices used for wind tunnel measurements such as multi constant current flowmeter with small build-in dimensions and possibility to determine temperature and velocity field, pressure strips measurement system (even for dynamic measurements), optical RPM, digital rake probes or surface flow visualization system using a method based on processing images of many tufts attached to the surface in the flow.
More detailed information about our products can be found here.

Custom-made Design
Among our most important activities is the custom design, testing and calibration of measurement devices and whole measurement systems suited for particular technical applications in accordance with the requirements and needs of our customers. The company has a long-term focus to the supply of specialized custom measurement equipment for use both in the laboratory and in the field. We have vast experience and we can offer devices for different technical disciplines from the field of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics through solid mechanics, electrics, robotics to power engineering as well.

Up to now, we have collaborated on the design and production of laboratory tasks for university students with more than seven universities in the Czech Republic, and delivered a total of more than twenty specially designed experimental devices from the smallest and simplest ones, such as the example task of visualizing laminar/turbulent flow (so-called Reynolds experiment) to highly complex systems from the field of instrumentation and control engineering (inverse pendulum on a suspension trolley), process engineering (school microbrewery) and aviation (turbine engine demonstrator or a just-completed wind tunnel for the Technical University of Liberec).